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The cable is a special high temperature connecting wire of thermal resistance. It has many good features such as excellent corrosion resistance, almost insoluble in any organic solvents, oil resistance, acid resistance, better electrical insulating proper ties, high voltage resistance, moisture resistance, big insulated resistance, flame resistance and so on.
使用特性 Operating Characteristics
1、交流額定電壓U0/U :300/300V
A.C. rated voltage U0/U : 300/300V
Long term operating temperature of cable conductor is 200℃.
Cable conductor consists of multi-strand silver plated core wire.
Bending radius of cable shall be no less than 6 times that of cable outer diameter.
Flame resistant characteristic shall meet the requirements speculated in GB19666-2005 standard.w
技術(shù)性能 Performance parameter
項目 Item | 單位 Unit | 技術(shù)指標 Technical Indices | |||
20℃時(shí)導體直流電阻≤ Conductor DC Resistance at 20℃ | Ω/KM | 截面 mm2 Cross section | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.5 |
電阻 Resistance | 83.5 | 49.5 | 30.2 | ||
試驗電壓 test voltage | V | 1.5KV,5min不擊穿。 Finished cable shall endure 1.5kv voltage test for 5 min without puncture | |||
絕緣電阻 Insulated resistance | MΩ | 500 |
結構尺寸 External dimension
型號 type | 規格 Specifications | 參考外徑 mm Reference diameter |
AFPXR200 | 1*2*0.2 | 1.8*2.8 |
AFPXR200 | 1*2*0.3 | 1.9*3.2 |
AFPXR200 | 1*2*0.5 | 2.3*3.8 |
AFPXR200 | 1*3*0.2 | 3.3±1.0 |
AFPXR200 | 1*3*0.3 | 3.5±1.0 |
AFPXR200 | 1*3*0.5 | 4.0±1.0 |